• Akuna Matata
  • 27 July, 2024 - 28 July, 2024
  • 1 Guest
  • 1 Room
  • Check-In Check-Out
  • Room(s) Adult(s) Children
  • Sea View 2975 INR / night Rate applies to:
      Adult(s): Children: Room(s):
  • 3950 View Details
  • Deluxe Sea View Room Deluxe Sea View 3475 INR / night Rate applies to:
      Adult(s): Children: Room(s):
  • 4450 View Details
  • Deluxe Sea View Room Akuna Villa 8975 INR / night Rate applies to:
      Adult(s): Children: Room(s):
  • 9950 View Details
  • LunchWithout Room Date: No of Guest(s): 375 INR / head Rate applies to:
  • ₹375
  • DinnerWithout Room Date: No of Guest(s): 375 INR / head Rate applies to:
  • ₹375
  • Paella NightUsually on Friday's Date: No of Guest(s): 11725 INR / head Rate applies to: Minimum 15 guests required for Paella Night
  • ₹ 175875
Garden parties and functions can be arranged with prior notice. Please contact us for any other special requirements/arrangements.
Booking Summary / Price Details
  • Check-In 27 July, 2024 Check-Out 28 July, 2024 1 Night(s) Stay Room Type: Sea View Guests: 1 Adult(s)   0 Children Rooms: 1 Room(s)
  • Price Breakdown
    Room Rate 1 2975 2975
    Extra Adult 0 975 0
    Extra Children 0 500 0
    Breakfast 1 225 225
    Lunch 1 375 375
    Dinner 1 375 375
    Total     3950
Child Policy - Children below the age of 6 years is complimentary. Children aged 6 - 12 years will be chargeable at 50% discount. Children above the age of 12 years will be charged at the adult rate.
Booking Summary / Price Details
  • Check-In 27 July, 2024 Check-Out 28 July, 2024 1 Night(s) Stay Room Type: Deluxe Sea View Guests: 1 Adult(s)   0 Children Rooms: 1 Room(s)
  • Price Breakdown
    Room Rate 1 3475 3475
    Extra Adult 0 975 0
    Extra Children 0 500 0
    Breakfast 1 225 225
    Lunch 1 375 375
    Dinner 1 375 375
    Total     4450
Child Policy - Children below the age of 6 years is complimentary. Children aged 6 - 12 years will be chargeable at 50% discount. Children above the age of 12 years will be charged at the adult rate.
Booking Summary / Price Details
  • Check-In 27 July, 2024 Check-Out 28 July, 2024 1 Night(s) Stay Room Type: Akuna Villa Guests: 1 Adult(s)   0 Children Rooms: 1 Room(s)
  • Price Breakdown
    Room Rate 1 8975 8975
    Extra Adult 0 1175 0
    Extra Children 0 500 0
    Breakfast 1 225 225
    Lunch 1 375 375
    Dinner 1 375 375
    Total     9950
Child Policy - Children below the age of 6 years is complimentary. Children aged 6 - 12 years will be chargeable at 50% discount. Children above the age of 12 years will be charged at the adult rate.